
What are little things that upset you?

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What are little things that upset you?




  1. When people are not polite.

  2. Having to get up at night to use the bathroom

    Dropping things- especially my keys or soap in the shower

    Setting something down and then not finding it seconds later

    Getting a basket with the noisy, ka-thumping wheel at a store

    Standing in line to pay at a store and seeing the cashier switch her d**n light on for a CSM

  3. people on this site who are retarded. not implying you or anything. just go in the celebrities section at some of these jonas brothers questions to see what i mean.

  4. People smacking when they eat (or any other noises involved with eating and drinking), having to repeat myself when I answer a question, motorists not using their turn signal when turning... there are plenty more, I'm sure.

  5. People always flirting with each other, GRRR! It annoys me so!

    People thinking I'm a little person and can walk all over me. I'm 16  going on 17, and people still mistake me for a 12 year old!

  6. to not be listened to

    being late

    having to wait

    smart a$$ people

  7. moving my stuff without me knowing it

  8. people who have the brain capacity to learn but CHOOSE not to,

    people who ask my advice then only decide a year l8r that i was probably correct.

    & blonde females who insist upon jumping out infront of my car at green lights!

  9. My testicles and p***s.

  10. I get upset when people hide things from me and lie to me. I also get easily annoyed by the litlest of things. But i just hate liars especially when you know they lying to you.

  11. ...nobody refilling the water jug in the frige... toilet paper... cookie left in a big box...

    ...a sip left in the milk carton... gas after the mrs went to the corner store... banana cream pie i brought home last nite...

    ...are a few things within an eight hour period...

  12. Loud music.

    People who snap gum.

    People who shake their feet.

    People who don't pick up their feet as they walk.

    People who are rude and/or inconsiderate of others.



    People who have little, or no, integrity.  

  13. Someone touching the screen of cellphones, pcs etc etc... I wanna break his head when he does and says "THERE IT IS!!!!"

    And... Someone making noises with his mouth while just sitting there... stupid a*****e..  

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