
What are longitude and latitude? Of what use are they? What did clocks have to do with longitude and latitude?

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What are longitude and latitude? Of what use are they? What did clocks have to do with longitude and latitude?




  1. longitude and latitude are imaginary lines for mapping the earth. they're often used for pinpointing exact locations. latitudes are horizontal and longitudes are verticle. check out this site, then you'll get it. move your mouse on and off the picture on the site.

  2. Latitude and longitude are imaginary lines that circle the globe North to South (Longitude) and East to West (Latitude) . . . Latitude and longitude are used for navigation, for ships and airplanes.  They are used to pinpoint any spot on the globe.  Modern GPS units use latitude and longitude data from sattelites.  It is invaluable to navigation and shipping.

    Clocks . . . latitude and longitude are expressed in degrees and minutes between the degrees to give more precise positioning . . .

  3. It's a way of positioning yourself on earth. It is what the old timers used before gps. Clocks with hands can be used to tell general direction. Point the hour hand at the sun,or moon, and the distance in between the hour hand and the minute hand is west.

  4. Longitude and latitude make up the grid on our world.  the are messured in degrees

    Degrees are broken u into minutes which are brolken up into seconds

    THe timezones have nothing to do with longitude and latitude

  5. Have you ever seen those lines that run across and vertically on a map or globe? Those are latitude and longitude. Latitude is the lines going across and longitude is the lines going up and down. These lines were created in order to help find the exact location of a certain place.

    Hope this helps

    Asalam Alaikum

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