
What are manufactured houses?

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  1. It is a mobile home, a trailer. You do not own the land either, you pay rent to park your home there.

  2. Usually mobile homes/ trailers

  3. The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), the trade association for all types of factory built housing, provides definitions for the various types of such housing on its Web site.

    *Manufactured housing refers to "homes built entirely in the factory, transported to the site, and installed under a federal building code administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)."  The code became effective in 1976 and "regulate(s) manufactured housing design and construction, strength and durability, transportability, fire resistance, energy efficiency and quality."  The code also "sets performance standards for the heating, plumbing, air conditioning, thermal and electrical systems."  Any items added to the housing on site (e.g., garages, decks, porches, etc.) are built to applicable local, state or regional building codes.

    *Modular homes are factory built "to the state, local or regional code where the home will be located."  They are transported to the building site from the factory and installed.

    *Panelized Homes are factory-built homes in which panels—a whole wall with windows, doors, wiring and outside siding—are transported to the site and assembled. The homes also are required to meet the state or local building codes of their installation sites.

    *Pre-Cut Homes are "factory-built housing in which building materials are factory-cut to design specifications, transported to the site and assembled."  These homes include kit, log and dome homes and any of these types of homes are required to meet local, state or regional building codes.

    *Mobile Homes refer to those manufactured homes produced prior to the HUD building code taking effect in 1976.  Most of these homes were built to industry standards that were eventually enforced by 45 of the 48 contiguous states.

  4. It is a trailer, and a really old one at that.   It will be impossible to get a loan for it, it really isn't worth anything.  Whoever buys it will need cash.

    It is over priced for a small and ancient trailer, the seller is dreaming.

  5. They are sections of houses that are produced inside a building so they can be transported to the site and erected quickly.  Less man labor to pay for.  

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