
What are men in italy really like...?

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im visiting rome and tuscany next month and just wondering what the men are like, ive heard thier pretty forward but does that mean more tha englishmen ? hah cos there pretty gud at that kinda thing.... am i likely to get stopped walking somewhere on my own?? or in a bar?

personal experiences would be great but

thanks =]





  1. i'm italian, i thought that italians were ugly, but after coming back from ny.. well now i think that italians are great! not as personality, but i mean for look. fashion and good-looking.

    englishmen are cool??? are u really insane?? i didn't realize that.

    anyway could happen that they stop you while you're walking or in a bar (obiviously if you are beatiful, not if you seem like ugly betty). but don't worry, they won't speak english at all, so you ll be free....

  2. They are good looking for my taste, but I hate all the "Bella, Bella, Bella..." thing. Is like after hear you are beautiful from a bunch of guys becomes a lie.

  3. I'm italian, from Turin...

    well yes, some of us are really stupid, about that thing of "ciao bella.." but well, most of us are warm and friendly, but some are shy too, so, you have as many possibility to get stopped walking or in a bar as english guys do...

    so, just think to have fun..!!

    ah, knowing the people, if you'll have some trouble with them, you'll have more troubles in rome than in tuscany...


    ah beh, then if you want to see how is a italian boy, look at my blog!


  4. They don't like you .

  5. if your walking down the street and a group of italian men think your pretty, they will start clapping and they will follow yeah.

  6. Hi, well I went to Rome (and Florence and Venice but not Tuscany) with a friend in January.  We got off the train and started walking down to where our hotel was.  Men were saying stuff in Italian and just kinda checking us out.  Some police men jumped out of their (parked) car and blew kisses at us and a guy stopped and offered us a ride, we passed a bar and were invited in.  Rome and more Southern Italy they are very flirty and flattering to girls.  But they say kinda corny things like "where are you from.... paradise?" seriously!  Yeah, I was stopped in the street and offered tours of the city and probably more in bars, but if you don't make eye contact or respond when they talk to you on the street they leave you alone ( I know it seems kinda rude but ...)  But mostly it's fun and they are telling you you are beautiful but obviously it's hard to take it too seriously , so just have fun and laugh.  I haven't been to Tuscany but I definitely noticed they were more reserved the more north you go, you'll probably still get some comments and hit on but it's not as wild as Rome.  Have fun.

  7. I knew two foreign graduate students from Italy...they were sketchy...

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