
What are methods of trainf for faster punches and kicks?

by  |  earlier

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I've noticed that my punches and especially kicks aren't as quick as I'd like them. I'd like advice from people who do Karate, since it's my style, but I'll take adivice from anyone




  1. It's not so simple as "punch harder, kick faster".

    1) Stretch all the time to develop and maintain flexibility.

    2) Develop your muscular strength using progressive resistance--lift heavy, 5 - 8 sets of reps in the 6 - 12 range.

    3) Develop your muscular power using progressive resistance, same set and rep range, but use weights light enough that you can really throw the weights.  Plyometrics are the modern name for principle used in old exercises such as bunny hops or jump squats with barbell.

    4) Practice your karate techniques using ankle and wrist weights.

    5) Practice you karate techniques and look to eliminate all waste motion and telegraphing.

    6) Practice your karate techniques, especially blocking techniques, shortening the motions, such that you can develop "power without (noticeable) movement."

  2. Try a quickness/agility regimen from another sport (I can recommend hockey), or a plyo regimen. Both will improve your speed.

  3. You must do kicking and pouncing drills  until the verge of exhaustion. up and down back and forth in your room.

    Make sure your fully stretched and warmed up before doing drills. do this every other day.

    The next day after doing the drill and your  recovered from the exhaustion you will notice that your punches and kicks are much faster and more powerful too.

    After six months if you don't die of exhaustion you will be as fast as Bruce Lee was.

  4. if you really want quickness, relax. forget about speed. do every drill as relaxed as possible. do not hurry any move. you do this, you'll get real quickness. try it, you'll see. follow the "techniques" others tell you about, you'll miss it. word to the wise. relax. soft.

  5. There are two methods I know of that will seriously work:

    1) Do punching exercises with a 5 lb. dumbbell in each hand.  Stand in place and alternate right and left hand punches.  Supposedly, this is an exercise that Bruce Lee did, so that is why I used to do it.

    2) You could always fight slower opponents!  This will make your reaction time seem lightning fast.

    Unfortunately, I know of no method to increase kick speed other than method 2.  Of course, you could combine the two methods and hit a slow person in the head with a dumbbell to do some serious damage!

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