
What are metronidazole and azithromycin used for?

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What are metronidazole and azithromycin used for?




  1. Azithromycin is an antibiotic; It is similar to Penicillin and it can be used to treat a lot of different kinds of bacteria. When I get strep throat, I get Azitromycin because I'm allergic to Penicillin. So basically its an antibiotic that could be used to treat lots of different things, it's pretty universal and versatile.

  2. i was prescribed metronidazole when i had a bacterial infection and azithromycin for chalmydia

  3. Azithromycin is not like penicillin they represent two different classes of antibiotics. They are similar in which both are antibiotics. Azithromycin can be used for a variety of reasons most commonly used in strep throat, pneumonia, chlamydia, ear infections..etc...Metronidazole is another antibiotic in its own class used topically or orally, can be used for genital infections, oral or dental infections etc...

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