
What are mexico's costoms and traditions?

by Guest32966  |  earlier

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im doing a project on mexico and i have everything done except for their costomes and traditions, if any1 knows anything help plez!





  1. here are some good websites to help you.  there are MANY customs and traditions in mexico, so you will have to choose some you find most interesting.

  2. 1 The most beautiful tradition is Día de Muertos.

    It's a hispanic, aztec based tradition that in mexico, you make a small ofrenda to your dead. An ofrenda is an on-an-of kind of temple thing in which Mexicans place sugar skulls (nicer than it sounds), bread, pumpkin and an aztec flower. In Nov. 1 you celebrate adults, and on the 2nd kids.

    2. Posadas are to celebrate Christmas, you put on a skit of Jesuses's birth, break a mud piñata with fruit, make punch and have pozole which is also very traditional, and they last from the 16-24 of december.

    3. Día de la Independencia. The president rings a huge bell in the national palace, mexicans gather to celebrate their countries war of independance start and eat traditional food, deck buildings in green, red and white and give the 'Grito the Independencia' after the president rings the independance bell. Then you shout Viva Mexico, this one has no spanish herritage.

    4. Feria de la Plata- It's a fair celebrated in the colonial city of Taxco, were artisans display their silverware tools and creations, while it's not a national wide tradition it's also a beautiful ceremony.

    5. In most schools, schoolkids gather to sing the national anthem and pay honors to the flag. It's the I pledge mi legions to the USA mexican equivalent. If you want to know how it goes:

    Vita Chronicles 5, a full instalment of the pledge to the national flag.

  3. its true tht we have so many...but may the most important and popular ones could b:

    - Día de Muertos (the Day of Dead) - 2 Nov, we do offerings 4 our dead family and friends, an offering should have some basic elements like candles, salt, water, fruit, cempazuchil flower, papel picado (a thin paper with different drawings), the pictures of the dead ppl. We eat bread of dead.

    - Posadas - kindda party we have some days before the xmas day. In posadas we sing the letanía (song tht tells how Joseph and Mary were looking 4 a place 2 stay when Jesus was born), we drink ponche (made out of fruits) and we break piñatas. Piñatas have a catholic meaning: they have 7 piks each one of em represents one capital sin, the stick we use 2 hit it represents our stong will, the  pabric we use 2 cover our eyes means the blind faith and the candies inside the piñata means the grace.

    - Independence day - 16 sept

  4. The pinata,Dia De Los Muertos(make special things 4 the dead.4 example:put flowers,candles,special bread called"pan de muertos",favorite food of the person who died on the table and all set up nicely.),La Posada.(they go to peoples houses and ask 4 posada because the virgin mary asked people if she could stay in peoples houses when she was pregnant with Jesus.)

  5. There are a lot of things that mexicans do by tradition is Dia De Muertos when they remember they're dead ones. they cook for them and celebrate them by going to the cementary and having there a celebration for them. We also celebrate the quincianeras where family and friends celebrate that the birthday girl is growing up and entering her teen years. Another thing celebrated in Mexico is dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe people go to church and sing to her pray the rosary in her honor. Posadas are very common around christmas time too.

  6. There is different ones, and depens on the region, check Veracruz Carnaval, check Semana Santa in Queretaro, San Luis, Puebla, Check a more indian carnival in Huejotzingo at Puebla, Check the origin of the chismas flower call Noche Buena, Check the Estudiantina from Guanajuato, check the Mariachi fest in fiestas de octubre in Guadalajara. Check tlaquepaque for craft. In Oaxaca see the Guelaguetza, the black pottery call barro *****, in chihuahua see the pottery from Paquime and Mata Ortiz,

    One big thin is the day of the death in Patzcuaro,

    the pamplonada in tlaxcala, the bull running in Tlacotalpan Veracruz called La Candelaria, etc etc etc

    all in the web just dig into

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