
What are mulegeons? and how do they look like?

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Hello i was wondering why people say that one of the girls in this photo looks like a mulegeons - i dont even know what that is - what is it? all i know is that its something about the face feature and stuff. But can you please tell me why people say that - each time she tells me peopel say that i dont know what it means?




  1. melungeons - well, we're a mixed breed, but of what, no one is quite sure; it's not exact.  Gypsy, Black, French, we don't really know, but you can go to the website and check it out.  Basically, we're considered Caucasian, but we've very dark (when my son was born, the doctor asked if his father was Mexican! - actually, his father has blonde hair!)  My maternal grandmother's mom would call her kids "you little melungeons!" when she'd get mad at them!  When she was little, and my grandfather saw her for the first time (I guess she was about six), he said to his dad, "That's the prettiest little Black girl I've ever seen."  Grandma was American Indian and Melungeon, not Black.  Funny thing is, when my son was born, my mom babysat for him while I worked.  The little neighbor boy who lived near my mom asked his mother, "Can I go over and play with that little Black baby that Wanda keeps?"  hahaha

  2. Oops, never mind.

  3. "Melungeon" note the revised spelling is a term given to a tri-racial population. To some it's an insulting word.

    Found in the American Southeast, the group has several explanations of their origins:

    "They say that they are descended from the "Lost Colony of Roanoke" who married into the local Native American tribes. Others say that they were descendants of Welsh explorer Modoc who came to North America around 1100 AD, with ten ships of colonists . Still others say that Melungeons are the lost tribe of Isreal,lost Spanish explores and just simply a "tri -racial isolate, made up of Native American/ African American/Caucasian mixture. " But then there are those that say they were Portuguese ."

    "There is no consistent definition of the word “Melungeon.” Some anthropologists have limited the term to a few families located near Newman’s Ridge, while lay researchers have attempted to expand “Melungeon” to include other mixed-race groups in the southeastern United States. At one time, the word was used as a racial epithet against a mulatto, at another time as a political epithet for east Tennessee Republicans. The common usage of the term had an element of socio-economic status attached to it; families who were financially successful were not necessarily considered Melungeon, no matter who their ancestors were.

    The majority of researchers over the years have concurred with the theory that the word derived from the French melange, meaning mixture. Another proposed theory for the origin of “Melungeon” is the Afro-Portuguese term melungo, supposedly meaning “shipmate.” Yet another is the Greek term melan, meaning “black.”

    Personal interpetation of the people's comment is that it's a put down.

  4. it is an Italiann word for eggplant , which is then a negative word fo african americans.

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