
What are my chances? 10 easy points!?

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Ok so I want to at least have one more child in the near future...

I have two boys now. My husband comes from a family of 5 boys, I come from a family with 3 girls and 1 boy.

Now what do you think my chances are of getting a girl!?

And of this helps, his mom was the only girl out of 5 siblings and my mom's side there is 5 girls and 2 boys?!

Please and thank you! :)




  1. GO FOR IT I think your chances are GREAT!! THIRD TIMES THE CHARM!!

  2. Your chance is exactly 78.389%, Do the math, its not that hard ppl..

  3. It is now and always has been, the chance of getting a boy or girl, is 50%...  

  4. its the X-Y gene that determines that. and that would be from your husband. you always carry the X and he carries the X and Y. for a girl you need another X.

    just from experience! i have two girls and a boy. when we were trying for our boy, we heard the deeper the penitration was the better chance of the boy. so no deep pen, and also Y sperm dies faster, so no deep pen so the X  gets to the egg first!  good luck!


  5. There is a myth:

    If you intercourse on the even days from the period, then there is maximum chance to have a boy.

    And on odd days, there is a girl.

    Try it J

  6. You need XX chromosomes for girls, XY for boys.  The X and Y chromosome to determine s*x is determined by your husband.  You have nothing to do with that part.  

    If he comes from a family of 5 boys and you already have 2 sons, I would lean toward him having a genetic predisposition for stronger Y sperm for boys.  

    But there is always a chance of a girl.  

  7. All the info you have provided is irrelevant of whether you will have a boy or a girl next :)

    all you can do is pray that you have a girl :)

  8. i think your chances is 75% to get a girl.

  9. Id say your chances are alot higher, being you have already had two boys, and you have girls on your side of the family..

    Good luck!

  10. When it comes to having babies, math doesn't really help. It sounds logical that it is a 50/50 problem, but there are lots of factors coming into play when it concerns reproduction. I had three girls and then a boy.... who knows?! If you have another boy, you will have lots of stuff to use as hand-me-downs. If you have a girl, you will have the chance to shop for lots of new stuff. Either way, you will have a beautiful new baby to love!

  11. 50%.

  12. it is irrelevant of how many brothers you or your spouse had as gender is determined by the father.

    billions of sperm are released during intercourse and there is a 50/50 chance that the one that makes it to the egg carries a (y) chromosone (male)

    you have a fifty percent chance

  13. your chances are 50/50.  Whether you get a boy or a girl does not depend on genetics

  14. someone told me once that if you concieve on ovulation day, it most likely will be a boy.  If you concieve a few days before, it will probably be a girl.  Simply because female sperm can survive in the vaginal canal longer than male sperm.  Don't know how much truth there is to it, but just something interesting I thought I would pass along.

    As for your odds due to how many boys/girls are in your family, I could not tell you.  Sounds like the family is due for a girl soon though lol.

  15. wow you got me there! I'm in the same situation kind of I have 2 girls and my only brother has 3 boys, my mom has 2 sisters and well I'm confused already so my prediction for you is it will be a boy and then if you do have another after it would be a girl, unless you have a history of twins any where in your family history ( but of course from your side not your husbands, because it runs in the female side).  

  16. i dont know just adopt a baby girl cause there is no real awnser for that

  17. between 25 and 50 % chance

  18. Doesn't matter what family you come from...the man determines the s*x of the baby. Do your husband's brothers have any daughters? That may improve your chance. There are ways to increase your odds. Some speculate that the man's diet being protein-rich helps make a boy, so perhaps he can lay off the protein. Also, female sperm are stronger swimmers and live a bit longer than the male sperm. So the closer to ovulation you have intercourse, the stronger the chance of getting a girl. There are actually books written of how to pick the s*x of your baby. See if your library has anything useful. Nothing may work in the end though, so just wish for a healthy, happy baby!! :) Good luck!!

    PS I have a son and would like a daughter and am now pregnant by a man that has 4 daughters but wants a son! Will be interesting to find out the s*x of my baby!! :P

  19. your chances are 2/3 guaranteed :) good luck!

  20. I can't give you percentages but the s*x of the baby is decided by the man. If he has all brothers then you are more likely to have boys. (This is the hurdle that I have as well. I want one of each and he is one of 3 boys!) Try having s*x up to 3 days before ovulation as female sperm are stronger and will live longer to get to the egg.

  21. umm i guess be S****y to a guy and take off his condom and lie and say you got yor tubs tied:( kinda nasty and i know i dont got the 10 points

  22. Well, I've read that X sperm swim slower than Y sperm, and X sperm are larger and last longer. So if you try to conceive a girl, then go for it a few days before your ovulation, that way the X sperm have a better chance at first dibs. =D

    But really, you have a 50 - 50 chance.

    Good luck!

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