
What are my chances at UC Berkeley?

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Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer my question... I am currently going to be a junior and was wondering if I had a chance at Berkeley?

Freshman Year:

Biology A./A

Honors English: B /B

Honors Global Studies:A/A


Computer Science: B /B

Geometry: A/A

Spanish II: A/A


English: A/B

Debate: A/A

Honors Pre-Calculus: B/B

Spanish III: A/A

Chem: A/A

AP World History: B/B-- 4 on the exam

Athletic PE: A/A

Junior Year(Planning to take Projected Grades)

AP Biology: A/A

AP Chemistry: B/B

AP Calculus BC: B /A-

AP Spanish IV: A/A

AP Psychology: A/A

English: A/A

Physics: A/A

Community College Courses as a Concurrent Enrollment Student:

US History: F(Didnt know I was registered) Retook it: A/A

Intermediate Algebra: A/A

Statistics: A/A

Philosophy: A/A

Business Law: A/A

French I: A/A

SAT: Around 2150

SAT II's(Projected--going to submit 2 best)

Biology: 750

Spanish: 700

Physics: 750


Math II: 650-725


I am going to do swimming for all four year; Cross Country for two

Have volunteered for over 300 hours at:

Library as a Bookleggar

A Youth Court Program where real kids are given sanctions by other kids.

A place called Open Heart Kitchen where you serve food to senior citizens.

Helping the City of Pleasanton.

Planning to Intern at a hospital.

Gone to India for a week to help at orphanage.

What should I do to up my chances?

PS: I plan on majoring in Business...

Plus, I have a job since this summer and am going to have one for 2.5 more years




  1. I would say you have a good chance. I'm starting my second year there and from my experience with the admissions process you seem like a good candidate.

    Also you don't actually make it into the business program until after you're at Berkeley, and it has a reputation of being extremely difficult to get into.   So just be aware of that.

    I would recommend talking to people about your personal statements, they are an extremely important factor. Make sure you SHOW the admissions what you will bring to Berkeley and how you'll stand out. Make sure it's well written.

    Last I checked though you don't need teacher recs for UCB, they have way too many applicants to look at them.

    And don't slack off your senior year, though your grades don't matter that much you do have to report what classes you're taking so make sure you're not signing up for slacker classes. In other words just keep up the good work and I would say you're in. Good luck!

  2. Yep! You're in Dude!

    Except if you're W***E!

  3. You seem like a good candidate for Berkeley. Generally, state schools are easier to get into. Since Berkeley is one of the top state schools, this makes the process a little harder. You also need to consider the essays and the teacher reccomendations.

    -Over the next summer it would up your chances at getting in if you:

    1. Try to get an internship somewhere (maybe a research program at a nearby university.

    2. Maybe get a job (colleges always look for students with extra experience in life situations)

    -You should continue all of your extra curriculars because this shows consistency and dedication and adds brownie points.

    -Since your junior year grades are only predicted, it can't be gauranteed that you will recieve these grades.

    -Its always a good idea for your senior year schedule to continue those hard AP classes. I know many people choose to slack off senior year and take the easiest classes but colleges do look at what you are taking during this year. They like to see that you are taking advantage of the higher level classes available to you.

    Now I'm not gauranteeing you will get into Berkeley since I am only a senior in high school. But I'm writing this all from experience as I am currently filling out applications at this very moment.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

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