
What are my chances at yale?

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I plan on applying single choice early action to yale and was hoping to be chanced:

GPA: weighted 4.5 ,maximum possible 4.83 with all A+'s

Ethnicity: South-east Asian (pakistani)



english composition and lit


us history


government and politics






hope to major in econ possible double major with poli sci

SAT: projected: 2300

Sophomore, Junior, Student Council, Class President

varsity tennis

freshman yr crew

attended various national leadership conferences

chapter FBLA president

Attended FBLA national conference frosh soph junior yr, most likely senior

Thanks in advance!




  1. It all depends on a lot of things, you have a higher chance then most but there are a lot of factors to determine enrollment for students.

  2. That is kind of impressive. Yale look for people who they know show promise. What I mean is that they will take people that they know will be able to handle yale and will excel in school as well as in life. You look like you show promise

    I knew a high school student who wrote and published a book. He gave a copy of his book to each college he applied to. Got accepted to all of them which includes many ivy leagues. I hope this is not what Yale opr any schools will require everyone to do in the future

  3. You have the stats to put you in the running, but Yale is a c**p shoot for everyone. After you have the GPA and the SAT, which 70% of appliacants do, they need you to differentiate yourself through activities outside of the classroom. Nothing you lis here does that, so I'd say you have less than 30% chance in all honesty.

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