
What are my chances for gettinh h2b visa, after I've been in US three timed on s J1 visa, and always came back

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when i was a student i went in us three summers on a j1, did not have problems at the embassy, now I am not a student anymore, but I work on here in Bulgaria, and still want to spend some time in US. I just want to work again few months on H2b visa, what are my chances in the Embassy. I was wondering how the Us concules are gonna look at my previous visas, is that minus or its a plus.thank you




  1. That you honored your visa requirements in the past is a good reflection on your intentions.  However, a future visa will  depend on your current circumstances - before, you were being evaluated as a student; now you will be evaluated on your adult/professional status.  If the Consular officer determines that you are essentially using non-immigrant visas to effectively reside in the US, visa issuance is unlikely.

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