
What are my chances for jury duty if...?

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I have summons to go to jury duty tomorrow and I was wondering....

What are my chances of getting picked for jury duty if I'm not registered to vote? Or does that even matter??




  1. Well just because you got that notice dont mean you gotta sit there.

    There are currently serveral means by which one will never sit on a jury.

    while a judge can make you cluck like a chicken, and do the duck walk at the same time (legally)

    He's hands are tied when it comes to a disability, and resonable accomadations. If you have a criminal record of any type and you claim this when you walk in the door, you'll be walkin back out that door very soon.

    While I would not sit there all day even if they paid Me, you might get a good case and you may want to see the out come. You could get rich quick being on a jury. Remember OJ's trial by idiot ( I mean jury ) LOL. you might sit in on the Lindsy Lohan Trial, that'll get you a book deal, movie rights. Or you could just sit there, maybe fall asleep and pass gas, then everyone will laugh at you like it was high school again.

    do what the other HALF the country does, say No HABLA english.

  2. Well if they called you already it doens't matter if you are regisgter to vote or not.


  3. if you have jury duty notice then you are going to sit there until they decide they dont want you for some reason  or you get picked ,sorry dude,you are in for the long haul or a very long day to sit in a hot court room

  4. Being registered to vote doesn't matter.  You're already headed to jury duty.

    People have wondered what database of names they use to call people for jury duty. They have your name from somewhere, maybe by owning property or simply by paying taxes.

  5. tell em your a racist. that'll work

  6. Do you have a Driver's license? They pick Jurors from those lists too.

    As for your chances of being picked, it all depends on what trials your particular pool is slotted for. They may all have settled or been dismissed which means you are released. It is impossible to tell.

    Good luck.

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