
What are my chances of being approved to immigrate to New Zealand?

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I am an American

I am a software developer.

I am 34 years old.

My wife is about to graduate from nursing school. She will start work as a registered nurse next summer.

We have 2 children (6 and 8 years old)

I am seeking a cleaner, saner country with ample opportunities for outdoor fun, decent weather, and friendly people.

I have heard that NZ is open to accepting American Immigrants. Do I fit the profile?

I would be looking to move around 2010...




  1. Firstly, are you overweight? If you are then that decreases your chances (I'm not targeting at Americans, but obesity has become a world why epidemic)

    If your wife is a nurse then you'll have a much better chance as there is a shortage here.

    Although I don't work for the Immigration Department. I have heard that NZ Immigration Dept. is a lot slower at processing immigrants than most other countries like the UK and Australia.

    Good luck

    EDIT- Don't give me thumbs down it is the truth. Before entering the country you'll be asked to complete a medical. If you're over weight or obese (which you are not) then you are a health risk and will cost our country more. It's your taxes too, so don't give me thumbs down!


  2. it is paradise - the temperate climate takes some getting used to,

    your wife is a great asset we need more medical people

    great place to raise children, no random shootings at schools, no redneck warmongers,

    decent weather? you do know its a temperate climate? - that means its cold here most of the year,

    i would say its a better place to be than "the greatest country in the world" - oh yeah kiwis arent as arrogant and few say silly things like that, kiwis are generally well traveled and accepting of foreigners


  3. Let me answer you a little different from the others.....

    I am a New Zealander and my fiancee American....

    He applied (me as his sponser ).....and together they accepted "proof of our relationship".....

    Initially they granted Him a 12 mth visa and a 12 mth working permit...( He did not as yet have a job....)....

    Although he graduated High School and worked mainly in Construction he had no papers as such so he just had to apply for work and interveiws like any other Kiwi...( another words at the bottom of the rung).....

    Another 12 mths he needed to extend his they ( Immigration) granted him another 12 mths and said thats the we invite you apply for Residency.....

    My fiancee said something like....I guess they mean sh**t or get off the potty.........sounded funny at the time.....anyway what Im trying to say is even though He is here under the "Family Quota"...youre chances of Employment Opportunites are so much greater..........

    New Zealand is procative in encouraging migrates to either have skills or enough money to be independant but they are also practical .....

    Check out their website....its easy and informative.....also request Informational Booklets....

    Wish me Luck Im about to do the same thing in the U.S.A

    Hope they accept me.....cuz Im coming dammit...hahaha

    As for the Medical ,its far more interested in major organs ( heart ,lungs etc )  the x-rays are looking at over-all history of the body etc......effects from past injuries ,smoking ( past pregnancies ) diseases really was helpful to my fiancee actually and thorough............but that wasnt required for 2 im thinkin even if wieght were the issue ( which it isnt)....youd be ok

  4. I would say your chances would be excellent - we have a terrible shortage of nurses in particular as well as other graduates as they tend to leave the country when they finish at univeristy to avoid repaying their student loans

  5. I think youre chances are good because i think i read in the newspaper that those in the computer industry are in high demand here in NZ.

    NZ is very open to countries like USA, the only countries they try to reject are refugees from poorer countries who come into NZ jobless, skill-less and with no money or support

  6. Potentially good, as long as you have decent financial net worth.  You both have needed skills in NZ, which certainly helps your chances.  As someone whom has lived in both the US and NZ, Ill tell you honestly though, the grass is always greener... There are plenty less than sane things in NZ as well, you'll discover.  Although its still my favorite place in the world.  Just dont be surprised when you go and its not quite all that you seem to be making it out to be- the birds dont sing happily all day as cats and dogs lay down together to sleep.

  7. Go to and apply for the Skilled Migrant Category for residency.  See how many points you can score.  It sounds like you'd be a great asset to this country.

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