
What are my chances of being injured if i pick infantry as my MOS?

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i plan to join the army soon for academic reasons and i am having a tough time deciding on an MOS. i am leaning towards Infantry but with all of the media going on about death and shell shock and losing limbs i just wanna know realistically what are my chances of becoming permanently disabled or worse. my main choices for my MOS are Diver, Infantry and if i qualify Special Forces weapons specialist




  1. There's a very good chance that you will be maimed or killed.

    The upside is that you will doing it for your pals George Bush and d**k Cheney, not to mention their buddies in the oil business.

    I say "go for it!" (What a wonderful cause for you to give life and limb!)

  2. The chances are slim to none. If you look at the total number killed or injured compared to the total number that have been it's eye opening. It's a very low percentage. This is due to our tactics and equipment. Infantry is a feeder MOS for Special Forces. I am an Infantryman and have been to Iraq and Afghanistan and I've never been injured. Don't go Special Forces unless your willing to give all you have to give such as your time. Not too much time for schooling other than Army schools. Also in response to another answerer's answer the Army doesn't offer an open contract. You will be guaranteed your job of choice. Provided you qualify and a vacancy exists. Good luck!

  3. its the same as any other mos bud youll be fine  

  4. my boyfriend is doing infantry.. he actually just finished basic and is going thru the AIT portion at fort benning.... he told me that 80% of people who get killed in the army are infantry.. but i wouldnt let that scare you because they train you very very well and as long as you pay attention and act and think smart you should be okay.. and how awesome would it be to have accomplished something like that... of course i am always worried about my boyfriend but i cant tell you how unbelievably proud i am of him... after his AIT he is also going to airborne school and then to rip... its going to be really hard but i think he can do it.. he got 260 on his PT which was the 4th best in his platoon of 58 people... good luck tho with whatever you decided.. im sure you wont regret it... not only will it put you in better shape and create endless opportunites for you, but it'll make you a better person too... last weekend i went to visit my bf for his family day and i could tell a difference in him just after 2 months.. he treats everybody with such respect and its such an honor to have complete strangers come up to him to shake his hand and thank him for his service

  5. Oddly enough combat troops like infantry are receiving less and less combat related injuries. The insurgents are afraid of our combat troops and usually attack weaker targets. The truck drivers and other support MOS's are getting nailed by the IEDs. But honestly the Iraqi army is taking more and more responsibility and our infantry are working as school teachers now trying to show them how.

    We are losing more soldiers to drunk driving accidents than combat that is a pretty sad statistic.

  6. of course you're taking a chance with your choices but when i joined the Corps my logic was "no guts, no glory." if it's just for academic reasons try something else because i can almost guarantee you'll be heading to the zone- the combat zone!

    one thing to remember is DON'T go in on an open contract- you'll regret it.

  7. The reason that media is going on is because those sensational stories are what sells.

    Yes you can get hurt. You can get hurt doing anything. One Marine told me that the last Marine funeral he attended was for a mechanic.

    I think percentage-wise it's around 13%. So overall, the chances are pretty slim. However, keep in mind that this does not mean it won't be you. After all, SOMEONE makes up that 13%.

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