
What are my chances of conceiving? ?

by Guest32062  |  earlier

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Hi my Doctor detected a possible Endometrioma.

In addition he says my blood work shows I have not been ovulating in the past couple months.

On a percentage scale, what do you think my chances of conceiving are if I tried?




  1. I am gonna say 50% chance. Since you have not been ovulating (which is what is needed to even have a possibilty to concieve) Your chance might not even exsits. But the reason i believe you have a 50% chance is because no one knows when your  body is going to ovulate again. Unless you know that there is no chance you can ever ovulate then you will not be able to concieve. But i still believe that your body could ovulate someday and increase your chances of concieving. So what i strongly suggest you do is ask your doctor if there is any chance you could ovulate again. Unless someone here is a doctor, no one can give you the accurate answer you want, like your doctor might be able to give you.  

  2. I think you have to ovulate to get pregnant so if your not ovulating i think they might be 0 but i'm not 100% sure. did you ask your doctor what the chances are of you ever concieveing like if you could?  

  3. A driend of mine has endometrioma ans shes been pregnant twice, no problems at all.  but if you arent ovulating im not sure darl, goodluck

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