
What are my chances of developing a blood clot due to the Pill?

by Guest66564  |  earlier

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When my mom was younger she got a blood clot in her leg when she started taking birth control pills. I noticed with me (in the past 3 years) my migraines have increased dramatically. Should I stop taking them? And what would be my chances of getting a blood clot since my mom has already had them?




  1. Blood clots are a rare symptoms of the pill, but as your mum suffered you may be more at risk. Did you tell ur gp about your mum when u went on the pill?

    The migranes could be because of a totally different reason, eg more caffene or change of diet, or the pill could be causing them with the change in hormones.

    You might wanna go to the doctors to discuss your problem, but I wouldnt be to worried.

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