
What are my chances of finding a good job as a dental assistant?

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i'm finishing up getting my bachelors degree in communications, and i've noticed that there aren't too many jobs that i'm able qualified for aside from customer service and general clerical skils. i realized i'd rather have a set skill so i'm planning to go right back to school right after i graduate, and i'm considering getting a technical degree in dental assistance. however i don't want to get into the field and end up with a certificate that so many people have, yet no one is really hiring for (i.e. those schools that quickly turn out medical assistants when there really aren't too many jobs available for them).

are there many jobs available for dental assistants? or should i look into (possibly) another medical field certification to seek out?




  1. Dental assistant jobs are pretty easy to come by, as a lot of assistant go on to hygiene.  However, the pay isn't all that great.  Good luck

  2. My daughter is a dental assistant & the last time she looked for a new position it took only days for her to get a new job!  However, she is going back to school to get a teaching degree for middle school chemistry b/c she is no longer challenged by her dental assist. job - plus, once she starts teaching she will have the same days off as her son.  

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