
What are my chances of getting accepted by UC Davis?

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Hello again, just to get an it really competitive college?

I have a GPA of 3.71 and I got 1590 on my SAT (Yes low...) and I plan on taking the subject tests later in Sept. I really want to get into UC Davis...but what are my chances? I have friends who got 1200 and still made it in, and I also have another friend that got 1500 and refused by Davis...

I understand it's best to be a well rounded student, I am in my school JROTC program (commander and very high ranking cadet), does it help when I apply? And also I'm very interested in photography, some got 500,000 views and one got selected by an airline for its magazine cover...if I mention these on my application, would they help a lot? or it doesn't really matter much?

Thank you...yea I know it's long sorry.





  1. Yes, use all of that, schools now push so much for liberal arts education.

    You need to use anything you can to sell your self, cause that is exactly what you are doing.

    Write an excellent essay, send them your portfolio.

    Your GPA is good

    My SAT was a little  low too, but my essay and my extracurricular activities is what got me into my college.

  2. go to  and fill out the questionnaire, then follow directions and type in UCDavis, and it will tell you whether you are in the admissions range of safety, on target, or unlikely.  

    Or call the admissions office there and see if you are a likely candidate for admissions.

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