Hello again, just to get an idea...how it really competitive college?
I have a GPA of 3.71 and I got 1590 on my SAT (Yes low...) and I plan on taking the subject tests later in Sept. I really want to get into UC Davis...but what are my chances? I have friends who got 1200 and still made it in, and I also have another friend that got 1500 and refused by Davis...
I understand it's best to be a well rounded student, I am in my school JROTC program (commander and very high ranking cadet), does it help when I apply? And also I'm very interested in photography, some got 500,000 views and one got selected by an airline for its magazine cover...if I mention these on my application, would they help a lot? or it doesn't really matter much?
Thank you...yea I know it's long sorry.