
What are my chances of getting into Berkeley or San Diego with these Grades?

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I am currently a senior in high school and I'm pretty worried about my chances of getting into these schools. From looking at my grades do you think I have a chance?

Freshman Year

English Enriched B/A

Geometry C/C

Biology A/A

Art A/A

Sophomore Year

English Enriched A/B

Physiology B/B

Algebra II C/C

Spanish A/B

World History A/A

Junior Year

English AP A/A

Statistics B/A

Chemistry B/B

Spanish A/B

U.S. History A/A

Senior Year

AP statistics

Honors Literature

Ap Biology

Government and Economics

In addition:

I am active in a wide variety of clubs at school and scored an 1800 on the SAT reasoning. I plan to take SAT tests :Math 2, Biology, and Literature




  1. You will get into San Diego State but you need a higher SAT score for Berkley. But they also take other factors into consideration so you should ask a teacher or counselor.

  2. You can't get in just based on your grades, but it seems like your well balanced, so you probably get in somewhere. FYI SDSU is not accepting freshmen this coming year

  3. I'd say San Diego is a shoe-in with the test score you provided as well as grades. However, Berekley would be almost impossible, unless your a state resisdent and your applicable for affirmative action. People whom I know who applied for Berekley recieved AT LEAST a 1900 on their SAT and the average of all the people I know who got accepted is around a 2100. So, your test scores need some improvement to get into Berekeley. However, I have no say in this since college acceptances are so arbitrary.

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