
What are my chances of getting into any of the three schools?

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Well I was thinking about applying to Blair Academy, Berkshire Academy, and Hotchkiss School. My grades for 6th and 7th are as follows:


Math C

Spanish A

Language Arts A

Science A

Social Studies C


Science B

Spanish A

Math A

Social Studies B

Language Arts A

In 6th grade I helped organize a fundraise for the Susan G. Komen foundation and raised about $1600.00. Plus I'v been playing tennis since I was 8 (now I'm 13), and in school I play the violin.

Also any ideas of other extracurricular activities I could be involved in and other community service ideas?

Thanks :)




  1. I think you would get in with those grades.

  2. I would say if it is a good school go for it!! Definitely have good grade I have good grades to. I have NO IDEA how this will help but here are my grades

    AP Math: A

    English: A

    Reading: B

    Soc. Studies: A

    Phy. Ed: B

    Spanish: A

    I have more classes and more years. I live in MN and I have to take the MCAS ugh but I got higher than the school, the district and the state. sorry if I sound like I am bragging. good luck getting in that school

  3. Hotchkiss is much harder to get into than the other two and they will want close to all A's. Blair and Berkshire should be no problem with a good SSAT--say, over 75%.

  4. go for it!!!!!

  5. Well even though I'm from GB those grades would be very good here so they should be over there. You seem to have done a lot so if you keep up the good work then you should definetly make it to where you want to be. For extracurricular activities just simply pick what interests you. It would be wise to continue with your tennis and violin too if you like them. Good luck :)

  6. i dont think your gradesare good enoough i am sorry, i had straight A's through middle school, except a B in gym once. and my frend goes to blair it would b pretty difficult to go with those Bs and Cs but you might b able to with your good backaround:} good luck!

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