
What are my chances of getting into the army? (recruiters preferably)?

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i have a criminal record.. But i have no felony's, all are just mistaminors

here is my criminal record of things i have been found guilty of

DUI (driving under the influence)

underage drinking

underage drinking

allowing an unlicened driving to drive my truck

disorderly conduct

disorderly conduct

disorderly conduct

The disorderly conducts are all MM's (minor mistaminors) which are very light and considered the lest severe criminal charge usually tooken care of by just paying a fine. I am 22 years of age and off probation for this stuff. My last charge happened over 3 years ago.

If there is a recruiter out there that would tell me they could get me in i would try to enlist but if you think its not possible just tell me and save me the embarrestment and let down of trying




  1. good luck

  2. too many misdemeanors.  your are DQd from all Branches.  Plus its only been three years.  

  3. i would be glad to answer your questiopn if you will reply back an answer to mine first.  besides the charges you have been found guilty of, are there any other charges that you have EVER had?

    DUI is considered a serious criminal misconduct (SCM) by the ARMY

    underage drinking is a misdemeanor x2.

    the truck thing is going to be either minor non traffic or traffic.

    the disorderlys are all misdemeanors x3.

    Person with a civil conviction of a serious criminal misconduct with any one of the following:

    (1) Three or more offenses (convictions or other adverse dispositions) other than traffic.

    if you know the exact items the court found you guilty of and the exact dispostion of each individual charge i could give you a more detailed answer.  but from what youve listed it sounds like the answer is going to be that you are disqualified

  4. It's possible, however your jobs are very limited you cannot hold any security clearance except possibly confidential which I even doubt. You wont make it into any other branch besides maybe Navy. You'll need to go through a long process obtaining waivers. It's possible under the present time.Good Luck

  5. Honest and up front - no sugar coating

    Your right, its going to be difficult.  I don't even think the Army or Navy would waiver that many violations.   With both the Consumption and Disorderly Conducts... they start to show a pattern and that is a Big Red Flag for possible problems once you get into the service.

    It's like..... Hey, didn't this guy learn his lesson the first time!  

    No offense to the Army or Navy but that might be your only chance, as slim as it might be.  The Air Force would be absolute NO and I believe the Marines wouldn't consider you either.

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