
What are my chances of getting into these schools?

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these are the schools i plan to apply to.

Vassar, NYU, Northwestern, Brown, Dartmouth, Middlebury, Williams, Tufts

I know that only applying to very selective schools such as those is a big risk, but my philosophy is that i should only apply to schools i would be happy and proud to go to. I don't believe applying to a safety school i could get in to, but would hate is a good idea. I've done lots of research and these are the schools i like. That being said, this is what I have to offer...

I am hoping to major in music as an undergrad, but i am planning to go into medical school

My High School Courses:

FROSH: Spanish 1, Integrated Math 1, Pre-AP English 1, honors Physics, World History

SOPH: Pre-Ap Spanish 2, Pre-Calc (i took alegbra 2 over the summer as an independent study), geometry, Pre-AP English 2, Honors Chem, World Studies

JUNIOR: Pre-AP Spanish 3, AP Calc (2 on exam, didnt study:-/ ), AP Bio (4 on exam), AP Lang/Comp (5 on ex), AP U.S. history (5 on ex)

SENIOR: AP Music Theory, AP Calc BC (online course), AP Env Sci, AP Spanish 4, AP English Literature


EC: Vice Prez of class 3 times, teach hebrew to children/teach torah trope (how to read and sing from the torah) for bar/bat mitzvah kids, Prez of Civil Rights team, Math Team 4 years (i won 5th place and 3rd place in the Maine Central Math League for frosh and soph years respectively), I have been playing guitar for 12 years and write my own music, i have worked on the 2004 and 2008 democrat campaigns, i work part time as a grocer, i am on the board of directors of my synagogue as a youth representative, I won the Williams College Book Award, I won the AMC 10 (top score on the national math exam) in my school, i was 6th in my state on the national spanish exam,...there probably are some other things here and there i am forgetting.

My SAT scores were 690, 640, 600 SO I AM TAKING THEM AGAIN and i haven't taken my SAT 2 tests yet.

I realize that none of these schools are even close to easy to get in to and that they look for uniqueness, not just numbers, so i'd appreciate if you'd make a good judgment call rather than say my SAT scores are below "X" so i won't get in anywhere. What would you say my chances are for each school and which would you recommend?




  1. Looking at the of courses taking and your ecs. It looks pretty good. All the extras count but really aren't TOO benifical. I mean sure colleges look at that but don't think too much of them other than that you were an involved person. I big factor actually is your essay that you are sending in. SATS look good, GPA looks find, my guess is that you will get into some of those colleges up there not the whole list. My guess is that you will get into NYU, VASS, TUFTS, and Northwestern. Northwestern I am postive actually. ALSO, another thing that they look at is where you are coming from. If you are in the state that the college you want to go to is in, then its a bit easier than out of state. Remember that there are loads of kids out there with 4.0's and higher and have just as many credentials as you do. Some advice to you is be unique in all of your application and essay! THEY LOVE THAT. Not just one college but ALL. Try your hardest and things might go your way.

  2. wow i am not reading all of that. sorry

  3. may i grovel at your feet? that's amazing. there is no way I could do that. you have a decent chance getting, but remember those schools have legacy entrance, so be prepared and best of luck.  

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