
What are my chances of getting pregnant from artificial insemination?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I just found out that he has low sperm count and will not be able to conceive naturally. We have started the process of finding a good doctor and getting tests done. Has anyone else gone through this process? What's it like? What should I expect? What are my chances of getting pregnant this way??




  1. It depends on which procedure you choose.

    ICI - intracervical insemination take approx. 6-8 cycles.

    IUI - intrauterine inseminations take approx. 4-6 cycles.

    But of course, everyone is different so this is just an average. I have had 8 inseminations without success. I have 1 left before considering more options.

    Good luck to you!

  2. You shoud go to an RE (Reproductive Endocronologist) / woman reproductive doctor to get checked out. They will test all your hormone levels, run sonograms of the uterus, ask sexual history. Depending on how low a count, and if they find any issues on the female end determine the course. IVF very expensive has the highest rate of success. or IUI which not as high but less expensive and invasive. Each one will be discussed at the RE visit. Bring your husbands s***n analysis info with you to the visit. Also if you do with ivf get the success rates of the facility each one is different. If you are going to spend the money make sure you are dealing with the best.

  3. I went through the artificial insemination process AT doctor said it was okay to do it at home,so the first time i did the insemination it worked.but i lost the baby a month after i found out i was pregnant.Good Luck.

  4. you have to have lots of money... I think its a higher chance than it use to be due to new technology

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