
What are my chances of making my university baseball team?

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I have not played on an actual baseball team since i was like 12. When i did play my skills did improve. Since i quit my skill level dropped off slightly. This semester i am taking baseball class; which the goal there is to improve your skills and become better. The instructor for the course is the assistant coach for the team. The school is not well known on the national stage, and it is smaller. But the basball program is very competitive, and they have just as many people drafted as any other school. I was thinking about trying out just for fun if nothing else.

The school is Lamar University if that helps any.




  1. last time you played was 12? You have no shot unless you get a real pitcher to do live batting practice with you. It's not 40 MPH fastballs anymore. It;s slow curves that look they are going to hit you then go down the middle, sliders that break away from the plate so you can't reach and changeups that make you look like a fool.  

  2. It depends on the program.  I played Division I baseball, and we had walk-on tryouts just as a formality.  Our coach never intended to keep anyone that tried out unless they came out and did something absolutely crazy like hit a ball 500 feet or run a 6.3 second 60 yard dash.  Otherwise there wasn't a chance for a walk-on to make the team.  It of course doesn't hurt to try, but don't be disappointed if you feel like you are better  than some of the players on the team and you don't make it.  

  3. Your chances are nil. There is just no way that you can catch up to what the players have learned physically and mentally in the last six to nine years.

  4. Not very good. Sorry kid.

  5. Your chances are no better or worse that what your coaches think of you.

  6. h**l no!

  7. Doesn't hurt to try out. If it is not a very big school you never know. I really couldn't tell you your chances as I don't really know how good you are, but I can tell you that there is no harm in trying?

  8. 4 out of 10 high school baseball players, will play ball in College. 1 out of 10 college baseball players will play some form of pro ball. (That does not mean they make a major league roster)

    Just the facts!

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