
What are my chances of not being pregnant?...Levonelle

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I was using pred mild eye drops (steroids) which made me sick but i stopped using them about 3 or 4 days before i took the pill and haven't got sick since taking it. Will it have any effect on levonelle working?..and I also went drinking 3 days after taking it...will the levonelle work




  1. If you just started taking the pill, you'll notice on the reading information that you shouldn't rely only on the birth control pill when first starting the pill. In my opinion, you should always use a back-up system if you don't want to get pregnant (of course, the best way to prevent pregnancy is to not have s*x), but if you use only birth control pills, there still is a chance of getting pregnant. I've known two people that have gotten pregnant while on the birth control pill and not taking any other meds.

  2. The drinking won't affect it at all, and I've never heard of steroids affecting it either. If they do, they'd have been listed on the contraindictions. Hopefully you read those.

    There's no "quick" way to find out if you're pregnant, because pregnancy takes a while to establish. You could take a home pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after the s*x, even if your period is delayed (a common side effect of the morning-after pill). There's certainly no reason to wait six weeks, though.

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