
What are my chances of recieving full ride scholarship?

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My GPA is very crappy and is only like 3.4354..,etc and I go to a college prep high school so it it so competitive that I am no where near the top 10% in my class. I am like in the top 25%. I have community service hours for every semester of high school because it is required. I am also in a lot of extracuricular activities(Science Olympiad-have 4 medals(1 2nd place, 3 3rd place), President for school political club, member environmental club, going to be a member of Student Government Association for next year) I have As and Bs and I am in a few honors courses. Next year I will be taking 3 honors courses and 1 AP course in Biology. My school is so small that it is hard to fit all honors courses in your schedule. Also my mom is poor and makes less than a teacher(she is a janitor). The only reason we got a computer was because my cousin bought my family one out of pity and we are blessed enough to afford internet!

What are my chances of getting a full ride scholarship?




  1. You may be able to get a scholarship if you're not too picky on which college you attend. Top rated schools won't even consider you, but there are may schools lower down in the ranks that may be interested.

    And please understand - it's worth it!!!

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