My GPA is very crappy and is only like 3.4354..,etc and I go to a college prep high school so it it so competitive that I am no where near the top 10% in my class. I am like in the top 25%. I have community service hours for every semester of high school because it is required. I am also in a lot of extracuricular activities(Science Olympiad-have 4 medals(1 2nd place, 3 3rd place), President for school political club, member environmental club, going to be a member of Student Government Association for next year) I have As and Bs and I am in a few honors courses. Next year I will be taking 3 honors courses and 1 AP course in Biology. My school is so small that it is hard to fit all honors courses in your schedule. Also my mom is poor and makes less than a teacher(she is a janitor). The only reason we got a computer was because my cousin bought my family one out of pity and we are blessed enough to afford internet!
What are my chances of getting a full ride scholarship?