
What are my chances of surviving in Mexico without money?

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For instance do they have shelters down there for homeless people and how easy would it be to get a job?




  1. ha ha ha ha that's a good one!

  2. do you SEE all those homeless ppl in mexico?

    dont you think that if it were easy to get a job,

    they would have one?

    try staying in americaaaa!

  3. It's better to be homeless in warmer climates.  I think you're making the right decision to be homeless in Mexico. I'm sure you can get a job at Taco Bell in Mexico somewhere.

  4. You'll do fairly well. Although they don't have shelters, Mexicans are devout christians who help their fellow man be it a beer or food if they need it.

  5. Look, Mexico sure beats the US in question of helping people when a natural disaster hits (we've had several events almost at the magnitude of damage as Hurricane Katrina and the cities were rebuilt in a few months in the past few years).

    However, this sort of help is at best for foreign tourists who were just unlucky enough to be in the area when the disaster hit and the government only gave them help to get out of the country safely, they weren't going to let them move in just like that.

    Mexico is more strict than you can believe regarding illegals (I actually find the US to be quite lax in comparison) and it's daaamn hard for a foreigner to just pop up and get a decently paid job unless they have a college degree and find a company to sponsor their visa. Your best bet would be to marry a mexican and get permanent residency if not citizenship if you can sing the mexican national anthem well enough and have good spanish.

    However, despite all of the poverty Mexico has, you'll see far less homeless people walking around the streets. I was actually surprised to see an average of 20 hobos every bloody day absolutely everywhere in the nice area of Pasadena Los Angeles. In comparison, I rarely see 1 hobo a week in my area in Mexico City and the living standards of my area are far cheaper than Pasadena.

    No, Mexico doesn't have the stoopid thing called Welfare. There's beggars yes, but welfare no. It's hard enough for a 70 year old to get 10 dollars a month from the government here, much less a young healthy person who's just too d**n lazy to work. It is funny though in that sense because mexican culturally are very dependant economically from other people, but perhaps because of this strong family relations between mexicans, it's more probable their relatives will help in the expenses and help them get a new job than in the US.

    I think if you want a job in Mexico that isn't to beg in the streets (and the government will probably notice a non indian person begging and get suspicious and deport you at once), either marry a mexican or get a cullege degree and find a high skilled job (you will need spanish of course). AT the end, you'll probably earn more money in whatever you do in the US now.

  6. None at all.

  7. Your chances would be absolutely ZERO.  Mexico does not have charities and welfare programs like the U.S. does.  You would NOT be allowed to work without a work visa...which are almost impossible to get and requre you to be highly educated and have a badly needed high-tech skill.  Menial, low-skilled jobs in Mexico pay about $5.00 a DAY.   And you certainly cannot get a work visa for a job like that. If you cannot make it in the U.S., you certainly cannot make it here in Mexico.  Your best plan, would be to stay in the u.S., get a job, get an education, and invest in your own future.Mexico requires that you have sufficient funds to take care of yourself...they certainly are not going to do it.  This is just the reality .

  8. stay in america!!! we have our own homeless shelters here! but yes they have a lot of homeless people down there and there must be some kind of establishments set up for the unfortunate

  9. surprisingly, you¨d be OK providing that your english is very good, there are plenty of english schools here in Mexico that love to hire native speakers without any experience or visa, I´m not saying it would be easy but you have a skill already (you speak English) I moved here 3 years ago and I haven´t looked back.

  10. My experience with Mexico is that it is very easy to make friends and finding a place to stay wasn't a problem if you spend a little time meeting people.Si tu hablas espanol it will be easy to get a job but you have to remember you will be making Mexican wages. This is something that most Americans can't handle. You could probably volunteer teaching English in exchange for room and board. Depending on where you go you might be able to get a job speaking English. As long as you can speak enough Spanish to get by and you have some common sense you should be fine.

  11. Limited, they will deport you. Stay out of my state, enough basura blanca here already.

  12. Listen to Charlie!

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