
What are my chances on the ACT Test? ?

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My first two times I took the ACT i got a 20. My first time I didn't study what so ever and my second time i didn't either, nor did i have a calculator. I'm taking it again on September 13 and I am studying and taking a calculator with me. What are my chances of getting a 25 or better?

I don't understand. I'm a very intelligent student. I've been in honors and AP classes throughout high school..I've even taken College Courses. Why am I receiving such a low score on the ACTs?




  1. Get yourself a graphing calculator and an ACT practice book. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing your score was so low because you didn't have a calculator. What grade are you in? If you are a junior, I'd suggest trying your hand at the SAT as well, maybe you will do better on that test. Good luck!

  2. Most people, even after study will not raise there score more than 2pts.  However if you scored really low on the math because of no calculator you might be able to bring you composite up to what you want.

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