
What are my chances?!?!

by  |  earlier

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Ok so my cycles are irregular anywhere from 32 - 45 days...well this month i didn't start my period until CD 56 i took a pregnancy test about a week before that so like on CD 49 or so and it was negative. so after my "period" started i spotted very lightly for 6-7 days. . it was so light i didn't even need a pad. . . it was only visible when i wiped with tp. . . sorry for TMI. . . So should i take another pregnancy test or assume this was a period? i have an appt. with an infertility specialist on Friday but I don't want to go. . just for her to tell me i'm pregnant. thanks for all the opinions!




  1. I would take a test on the morning of your appt just in case.  When I had this long of cycles I starting keeping my BBT chart and it turns out I wasn't ovulating.  Typically if cycles are that long and erratic that might be the issue. Good luck!

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