
What are my changes of getting caught with alcohol in checked baggage if under age?

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Im traveling inside the US, with my parents and a friend. I've checked with delta and i will be carrying under 5 liters and less than the proof that's allowed. Will they confiscate it if it is within the regulations, and how would they know how old the person who's bag it is in is?




  1. You have to check your bags and then they X-ray them. It is a good chance that you will get caught so don't try it.

  2. Last time I rode a plane, I went from Chicago  -->  San Antonio  --> Mexico .  . .  in 1997.  Laws have DEFINITELY gotten stricter since then.  I would say that anyone can get their bag 'checked' at any time, and if you are under 21, they can totally take it away from you if they want to.  Shoot, you're not supposed to take liquid-anything on a plane nowadays.  Are you talking about abag you are taking onto the plane?  or are you talking about a bag you are having in the carrier place?  Even so, it's best not to have beverages or any form of liquid - just buy it when you get there!  I know it sucks - I have a diabetic friend who cannot bring a bottle of orange juice onto a plane - he has to BUY it on the plane.  Even though it's medical.  My thinking?  You can'tafford to buy iton the plane, you can't afford to fly.  Period.  I'm sorry, but the way your post sounds (the way I read it and I can be off here) sound slike you are under the legal drinking age of the country you live in.  Therefore, if I am correct, you have no business having it in the first place.  End of story.  it's not going to kill you tow ait until you arelegal age or it's not going to kill you tro ask your parents if you can drink a reasonable amount (e.g. an amount that won't make you feel the effects) in their home with their supervision).  Seriously.  That's it.  Stupid law?  yeah, I think so.  But it's the law.  write your senetor if you have issue with it.

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