
What are my future terms of money and social position..?

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name-shashwat gupta

date of birth-31.10.1986


pace of birth-kanpur




  1. You have no prospects if you don't get off this stupid computer and get a life.

  2. You already got some very nice answers, now it is a matter of acting on the advise!

  3. "Future of Future Prospects"

    To tell you the truth,

    the prospects are very bright! (1)

    To be honest, fair, square and straight forward,

    one has no option but to act right! (2)

    Listen to mom, dad, inner self and the teachers,

    also be smart and never ever pick a fight! (3)

    Be regular, be diligent and work hard,

    it is OK to laugh, play and fly a kite! (4)

    Always be; kind, cheerful and happy,

    never be; angry, sad and tight! (5)

    Have good habits, good company,

    an honest living and let God be your Guide! (6)

    You will see the difference for your self,

    if you abide by these thoughts, nothing else but abide! (7)

    You will see the magic,

    there is nothing else to tell and hide! (8)

    Build a character, conviction and bravery of Lord Rama,

    to be true to your words and deeds with humility and not in pride! (9)

    Remember this poem is written for you,

    keep it always in your mind and do not put it on the side! (10)

    Please note that the poem is a master piece of Dr. Singh and  all rights of the above poem are reserved by the author. This is being forwarded to you to give you a brighter and positive aspect of future and prospects in every walk of life.

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