
What are my legal rights regarding this truck losing some of it's load of stones on my BMW bonnet?

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I really need legal advice now please, if anybody can tell me how do I go about getting the company who owns the truck to pay for the damages (big chips of paint off my bonnet), that the stones caused. This truck was carrying a load of stones. I was driving out of the petrol station and the truck came tearing past (obviously in a hurry) and dropped stones on us. I have only one witness and that was my domestic worker who I was taking home. I went back to ask the petrol attendants and none of them saw it happen. I found out the name of the company who owns the truck from the place where I assumed the the truck was delivering the stones to. That company (Build It), told me that they did recieve a delivery of stones around that time the truck came past me. To make sure I also have the number of another company who uses stones further up the road, but there are no more companies in that direction on that road besides those two.




  1. Most of the time the trucking company will not do anything for you but I have seen that some of them will if you have done the following.

    1. A witness that you have that will sigh an affidavit stating what he or she saw.

    2. The trucks tag number.

    3. A police report with the time and date that this happen.

    With this the company will have no choice but to repair the damages but too many times people forget about the tag number and getting a police report.

  2. Not enough evidence without the truck tag number or someone who can 100% identify that it was a truck belonging to that company.

  3. UCANTCME has answered your question, and to add to it I would also ask whether there are laws in your area which make it mandatory to cover any loads of scrap metal, gravel, etc. to back up your case.

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