
What are my neighbors up to?

by Guest34237  |  earlier

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I have new neighbors (renters of a house for about 1 year) who have acted suspiciously and I am wondering what could be going on and what do we do as good neighbors and when (if at all) should we call the police?

We are taking journal of all the cars coming and going. So many different cars. They put up a tall fence last year, but didn't secure the wood, it's just leaning against the metal fence that was there before. The only resident that I am sure of is a woman, mid 30's? with a great body. She used to work in the yard ALL DAY LONG wearing almost nothing. She doesn't work... that I know of. I stay home all day, as a mom, but she doesn't have kid and lately she doesn't do yard work anymore. The people who we see over there, are all men.

We googled the address and early this February there was a drug possession arrest of someone whose resident was at that address.

What should we do?




  1. It sounds like you are going to great lengths just to make someone elses life more difficult. Leave them alone and get on with your own life. If they are not doing you any harm then why hound them.

  2. Well duh, she's a hooker.  

    ps-  I'm fascinated I got 3 thumbs down for stating the obvious, and all these people telling you to mind your own business probably wouldn't be if they were living next door to an active s*x trade worker.  Those johns visiting her are not nice human beings.

  3. You should learn to mind your own business.  Put your binoculars down and focus on your family.

  4. There is nothing wrong with being vigilant and even a little bit suspicious in this day and age. Call the police, and explain everything you have seen. Try to get a local officer assigned to the matter so you don't have to start from scratch everytime there's a weird incident. And then stay on top of it.

  5. Mind your own business.  If she's not coming on your property or threatening you in any way, find something constructive to do with your life besides being a big snoop.  I had a neighbor like you one time and before it was all over, he came up missing.  Take heed, child!  Just because you have no life does not give you the right to stick your nose where it doesn't belong.

  6. dress up like a thug and try to buy some drugs or see if shes bi offer her money for s*x or maybe i should do that for you.

  7. I cannot understand why you have to watch your new neighbors, who you think is acting suspiciously. You got proof of what they are up too? I guess not. And you want to find out. Why don't you mind your own business, don't you know the philosophy that said: CURIOSITY SOMETIMES KILL THE CAT. But in your case, you are not a cat so therefore you can snoop around the fence is this what you have in mind?

    They can file a felony on you for invasion of privacy in these manner. You are as if looking for a wrong mistake by your neighbor and wham! You got them were you wanted them, but this is not the way I look at it. You can even plan a devious scheme of putting drugs in the fence or near the area and call the police, and when the police arrive and look for evidence they found your planted evidence.

    Since when does having men in the neighborhood is a crime, just like you said all are men in your next neighbor. Some could be relatives and some friends, doesn't that cross your mind.

    I THINK WHAT you should do is just be a good citizen and not to be suspicious of your next door neighbor and just be alert of some unscrupulous person but NOT TAKING EVERYTHING too much or overacting. Remember the movie FRIGHT NIGHT, not every neighbor is a VAMPIRE.

  8. Try and contact the true owner of the house and expl. to them wt is going on.You don't need this in your neighborhood.She sounds like a hooker.

  9. It sounds very suspicious.  As long as she and her "men" leave you alone you should be fine.  I would mind your own business.  She or one of her "men" might retaliate.

  10. well ask her if she needs help finishing the fence.. then keep your nose out of her business. h**l she maybe a p**n star.

  11. Contact your local police department, ask to speak with a detective. Explain what you have seen and he may be able to start an investigation into possible wrong-doings at that residence.

    It's a shame that more neighbors don't get involved in their communities, reporting possible illegal activity.  

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