
What are my next steps to becoming greeeener?

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I currently recycle nearly all of my paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and aluminum cans. I am in the process of updating all of my light bulbs to CFL's. I try to be conscious of packaging and logistics when I shop for groceries, etc. I've switched to bringing my own canvas bags to grocers instead of using plastics, and I try to use common sense about conserving electric, gas and water around my home. What are the next steps I can take to reduce my impact?




  1. Congratulations. How about some profitable ways of being green?

    Check this link for some great ideas:


    solar power lighting?!

    & a tatttoo of GO GREEN on you

    <!3 peace love & greeen

  3. Great to hear about your efforts to date. Have you looked into some online tools for carbon footprint analysis? ( has a quiz.. not all questions are applicable to Dubai life, but some can be very useful.)

    Have you considered food, eating local, reducing the amount of meat in your diet can play a big role.  In the fall, DubaiLime will have a series of free movie screens that can shed some light on environmental and ecological issues.

    If you can think about your immediate community (work place, friends) and how you can impact change in their eco lives.. maybe introduce recycling in the work place, write an article or two about reducing waste, or recycling toys and house-hold items.


  4. Bike whenever you can instead of driving.  That makes a big difference.  Also, carpooling is a good idea.  

  5. Great to hear all that you are doing. The other areas that I also focus on are my food, I avoid packaging, pesticides and food miles by buying the majority of my produce and meat from local orgainc farms. I have also taken many chemicals out of my life by detoxing both my cleaners and my beauty products. I have found that a natural soap, baking soda and vinegar clean just about everything. I also try to buy recycled content items whenever available. Almost all paper products as well as many plastic and glass items are easy to find. The last area is to get involved with any number of groups that want to make a positive change in the world. There are many organizations that aren't looking for money, they are looking for people to get involved and write or call their elected officials, like as well as countless others.

    My favorite book on the subject is "The Green Book" you can also check it out online at

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