I am interested in Joining UP at my local yard in Roseville CA. I have a family freind who has been with up for 12 years. I value his opinions greatly but would like additional opinions. What are my odds of getting a yard/depo assignment vs road work. I saw a recent post on this forum which cited that newbies are relegated to working the yard for less money, however, at the pay rate of 50000 annually I would be making a big increase.
With this cert, Do my chances of becoming a Yard engineer/conductor improve? See Prior Question: Can I choose to remain in yard "depot work" perm/ with occasional a to b road assignments. At 50,000 annually, I will be living well. Just wanna make decent money without the typical RR sacrifices if possible. I have loved trains from a young age. Any and all experiance/advise is appreciated.
31 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. This Is a career I have dreamed about, however the more I learn about the Grouling hours, The more I am discourag
34 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.