My ex-husband and I were divorced in February of 2006. At the time I was 21, naive, broke, with no lawyer. I wanted out of my marriage as quickly as possible and gave up all my rights to alimony and even all of my things because I believed him when he said it would be better that way. At the time I also signed a quit-claim deed that was supposed to take my name off the house that we had purchased together. Last year, his new girlfriend (and mother to his two kids and two other kids of her own) messaged me to tell me that they were selling the house and needed a power of attorney from me. I refused to speak with her and spoke with him instead. He told me that the quit-claim I signed did not apply to the house as he previously thought and he wanted me to sign a power of attorney, otherwise he would put it into forclosure if I tried to get half. My question is, do I still have entitlement to half of the house? Would it just be better to sign the power of attorney? What other options do I have? And if I do sign the power of attorney, what else does that mean he can do with it? Please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.