
What are my options in inducing???

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I'm 41w/2d and have an appointment tomorrow. My doctor hasnt really brought up being induced or anything because he's an all natural kinda guy! Which I really like! but...I dont think I'll ever go into labor on my own!! I've been 1cm and 50% effaced and the baby has also been at -3 station for like forever!!

Is it okay to bring up inducing or should I just wait for him to do it?? I really dont think I can do this anymore! What should I do??




  1. i would just ask him,  

  2. At some point, the placenta starts to deteriorate, and it's no longer healthy for the baby to be in there, so YEAH, you need to ask about inducing.

  3. Well it really isn't safe for you to be pregnant after 42 weeks because the placenta begins to deteriorate. Most doctors will do an elective induction any time after 39 weeks. If you want to go ahead and ask. It won't hurt.

  4. You poor thing!  It won't be too long either way now.  If you are that far over, I would assume he would bring it up.  If you go through your appointment and he doesn't say anything, just ask him if he thinks you will have to be induced or if it looks like you might go naturally soon.  It doesn't hurt to ask!  Good luck!

  5. If you do not bring it up, he most likely will. It is dangerous for a baby to be inside you past 42 weeks. He will have to set you up to be induced if you don't go into labor by somewhere around then. But it would absolutely be okay to question him about it.. it is good to be open with your doctor about any questions you have. I know the wait seems forever!! Congratulations!!

  6. It wouldn't hurt to talk over the pros and cons with your doctor. I believe that it is done far more than it should be in the US. I think it should be reserved for emergency situations only because the risks outweigh the benefits otherwise.

    As far as the placenta aging your doctor can check to make sure everything is still working like it should. Some babies just take longer to cook, 44wks isn't unheard of.

  7. People on here always gives thumbs downs for people saying this, but castor oil is a safe way of inducing pregnancy after 40 weeks. It's natural, and my best friend used it at 39 weeks and went into labor. You can get it at the grocery store. Many doctors and midwifes still use castor oil to induce labor. It tastes disgusting, and it will give you the runs. But, it is an all natural way too induce labor. Also, exercising and having s*x can bring on labor. I would try the first two ways first so you don't have to worry about diarrhea. I will post a link about castor oil if you're interested. Good luck!

  8. yeah i would ask him ur already 41 weeks...good luck!

  9. I would bring it up! I feel for you. Im going to be 39 weeks on friday and getting induced early next week sometime.

  10. I would absolutely ask him.  The fact that he hasn't said anything is kinda shocking.  It can be extremely dangerous to go too far past your due date for a number of reasons.  One being that it increases the risk of the child having their first bowel movement while in the womb.  That increases the risk of infection for the baby.  Their is also a possibility that you aren't producing the hormones needed to start labor (my mother in law had a similar issue with both my husband and his brother).  If he refuses I would consult another doctor.  Good luck!  I hope he brings it up tomorrow!

  11. I would ask him for sure.  I am 40 weeks today and I have also come to the conclusion that I am never going to go into labor on my own.  My cervix is posterior, closed, hard and not effaced at all.  As far as I am concerned, this is my baby and my body and if I want to have an induction after my due date then that is my choice, not my doctors.  I would ask for an induction if you want one  for sure.

  12. its ok to go to about 42 weeks , after that its more dangerous not to be induced.  Trust me your doctors not going to leave you for ever.

    the reason he may be waiting is you say your baby is at -3.. this is quite high.  if he induces this high theres a good chance bubs wont move down and you will have a long labor and end up in a section.

    the reason your not going into labour is your baby isnt pressing down on your cervix to kickstart it and continue it.

    your always allowed to bring stuff up to your doctor or ask questions.

    your doctor isnt going to do something that will put you both in danger.

    i hope your baby moves down and labour starts soon.  i went overdue with both my boys and know the feeling.

  13. sure you bring it up and see what he says. regardless he would have to induce you within the week afterwards due to it is not safe for you and the baby to go over 42 weeks. so dont worry you dont have to much farther to go.

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