
What are my options now?

by Guest57878  |  earlier

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we currently live for free in a terrible part of the city. We had a house along the coast that was being fixed up, it was given to us by my father in law and he's a jerk and has decided (2 months before we finished) to not give it to us. He's been paying the mortgage on it and is almost bankrupt because it. So now my landlord wants us out and we need to buy a house soon for our 2 kids. Should we move to utah where i have family, and can afford a house that's like 1000 a month or rent in orange county where prices are like 1600 for a 2 bedroom apt. we barely have any money saved because we've put it all into the renovations thinking we would get our investment back. But with Father in law paying the mortgage, he thinks it evens out. So..with no place or a lot of money, what do we do? Hubby and I can get a job in utah and we have a sitter who's free.




  1. go to utah,

    too many people and crazy traffic in LA anywase.

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