
What are my options??

by  |  earlier

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I separated from the Marine Corps in November of 2007 only to reelenist as a PSEP in March of 2008. With that being said, I had my three duty stations/assignments. I chose V22, SOI, and MSG. My recruiters had told me that I was approved for reenlistment and then went through that whole process of swearing back in and going to MEPS. Well I did all of that and started work as a PSEP recruiter awaiting orders. After a couple months I was told that I had orders to V18. Well I execute the orders and when I check-in to the unit I see the Career planner to have my bonus entered into DTMS. When we, the career planner and I, go to do this, we both notice a block in my RELMS that says the following and I quote....."Upon asscension to active duty, SNM will complete MSG checklist and forward it to MSG Monitor. SNM will receive PCSO to report directly to MSG School."

My question now, is what do I do and what are the chances that I will get this resolved? I obviously wasn't notified nor given any guidence from the recruiting station of whom I was assigned when I was a PSEP recruiter.

Someone please help!!!




  1. All I can suggest is go see the Master SGT or ask to see the Captain. Thats their job.

  2. The bottom line is. Did read 100% of the papers prior to signing. If you didn't you may have messed up. Make an appointment with the JAG, and bring all your paperwork with you

    Good Luck
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