I live in Arizona. I bought 2 investment properties in Ohio. Both have a principle ballance of under $55,000. I pay just under $1,000 each month to the bank. Both properties had tennants in them when i bought them. Now, neither one have anyone in them. The property management company is saying they are working on getting someone else in. I do believe they are doing the best they can given the less than opptumistic economy.
I live paycheck to paycheck. The money coming in from both properties gave me what i needed + some reserves. Those reserves have now run out. I will owe $1,000 by the end of this month, and have only $700 left to spend.
I need to know every option out there. I realize that the world of real estate / investments / banking... not what i know the most about. Whatever the possibilities are... I NEED TO KNOW!!!
Please...give me reliable guidance, along with websites/places to research / people to talk to with solutions...
Did i mention how quickly i need an answer?
I owe more than i have in only 20 DAYS ! ! !