
What are my prospects for marriage and career?

by  |  earlier

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My Birth Details are:

Date 24-June-1980

Time: 14:31

Place: Bombay,India




  1. you are no 6..that means you must be very beautiful and look younger to your age, now regarding your marriage--you are likely to get married till 2009 and regarding your carrier ---you can make good carried related to fashion or export.

  2. Well, first, your birthday is the best. (my birthday too)

    But as for marriage and career prospects, I have no idea. My crystal ball broke yesterday.

  3. none on both

  4. My magic 8 Ball says; "ask again later".

  5. Dear just first whit whom u want answer make it clear ur question and then ask in proper category  

  6. The runes say you have no hope but you will have explosive diarrhea on the 4th.  

  7. not good prospects

  8. dear

    its not ur birth date that matters that how well do u perform in ur life its

    Your hard work, determination, commitment that matters for your career and in case of ur marriage its ur luck as well as ur level of achievement in life, these numerals cant explain ur life its u who will decide about ur self

    hope i helped u

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