
What are my risks of oral sugery?

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the dentist says that i have a permanent tooth stuck up in my gums and that i need toi see an oral surgeon to get it removed. im scared and i want to know what the risks are, how long it will take, and will i be asleep during this process? and will i need stiches after getting it removed?




  1. Only the oral surgeon can answer your question based on your unique case. Ask when you go for the consultation.

  2. I had the same problem (what they did was unique, however.) and what everyone's saying is true - your oral surgeon will be able to answer your questions. For me, they simply gave me lidocaine. You can maybe request to be given some gas to ease your worries during the procedure. You may need stitches, but usually they'll be dissolvable. All in all, they know what they're doing. :) Good luck!

  3. You need to have trust in what the dentist is telling you....the fears and questions you have will all be answered at the oral surgeons office...they do this all day long, and will be able to do it fast, easier and with the least amount of discomfort for you...

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