
What are my teeth and adultery dreams telling me?

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First dreams: I dream alot about my teeth falling out, breaking off and apart, cracking, chipping, and me getting lock jaw. My teeth in my dreams constantly are falling out, and I don't get it. I've been having these dreams since I was a young child. I'm 21 now, and I'm still having them.

Second Dream: I've been married for almost 2 years now, and I am constantly having dreams where I'm cheating on my husband. Either having s*x with someone, or doing other innapropriate things you shouldn't be doing, and than me feeling bad, and trying to run away.

Third Dream: I dream alot about running away. I'm always trying to run away from people, things, situations... just... whatever. Always running...

Any ideas?




  1. u shouldent run the cracked teeth mean ur gonna end up hurt bad u should face them and that cheating means and inopprpriate stuff means ur gonna need money so u can keep running on planes and cars so ur gonna end up sleeping for money

  2. I've read that teeth symbolize your self image. Teeth falling out can be insecurity, a desire for acceptance, a fear of growing old or becoming disfigured in some way.

    Running could mean stress. I know that whenever I'm stressed out, I dream alot about running away.

    I don't know about the cheating part.

  3. One opinion:

    Teeth are the bones of the stomach, and a way we make an intimate interface with the world.

    Teeth are like power, will power, protection, defense, offense.

    To experience such loss over numerous dreams and years may indicate a deeply-felt fear of such.

    Sexual cheating is a different kettle of fish, so to speak.  In this case, you may be expressing a feeling of inadequate mating; the male represents the biological desires of the woman...and if your husband is more genetically similar to you, you would subconsciously prefer sexual procreation with a genetically more different male, as this helps bring healthier children into the world.

    It is a good sign that you feel remorse afterwards.

    The running away theme is perhaps more indicative of a desire not to face consequences, situations.

    These three have in common an anxiety theme--of loss of power, of remorse re naughty deeds, and of fear of "whatever."  The anxiety is related to a loss of genuine love and affection, and a seeking for genuine love and affection.

    There are three initial steps you might care to consider making:

    Calling 1-800-525-LOVE 24-7 and 1-800-232-6459 M-F business hours, ask for Counseling dept.  Focus more on your marriage, your economic situation, sexual harmony, and perhaps your general feelings of unease.

    If either set of counselors suggests contacting a local therapist, that would be the second step.

    The third step is reading "For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn, and "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

  4. 1.  Teeth are symbols of growth - in waking life, we lose our baby teeth to get our adult teeth.  However, your life has been difficult, and you have had many obstacles and issues on your way to adulthood, symbolized by your teeth breaking and falling out.  The lock jaw tells me you have had difficulty expressing yourself and your problems.

    2.  On a subconscious level, your husband does not completely satisfy you and you seek the comfort of others. You cannot admit this to yourself yet.

    3.  You would like to run away from your stresses and difficulties.  But they are always there.

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