
What are natural steriods?

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like are fish oils steriods?instead of forkin out loads of money 4da real fing?




  1. Natural stereols are derived from algae and they are called the perfect food--I've been taking them for a while now and I have amazing results---one of which is that I am losing weight, another is that my digestion is a lot better, a third is that I got more energy, and a fourth is that my cholesterol dropped.  There are 3 which I really believe in:  Chlorella, Spirulina, and the actual phytosterol which is a powerful cholesterol reducer.......

  2. It looks like novice thought you meant sterols...

    anyway DHEA is a natural steroid:

    DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural, intermediate steroid hormone that is produced in our body by the adrenal glands. DHEA is the most abundant hormone in our blood and can be taken by both men and women due to the fact that we both produce it within our bodies. DHEA levels in our blood are crucial for many hormonal and metabolic functions in our body. As we age we produce less and less DHEA and as a result our blood DHEA level gets lower and lower. This may make us gain more body fat, dry our skin, decrease s*x drive, and affect our memory. When adding or supplementing DHEA to our bodies when our blood DHEA levels are low, we can improve these problems and may be able to live longer lives.

    DHEA is used for a variety of reasons. It can:

    • Add More Muscle Mass

    • Improve Sexual Function

    • Increase Memory

    • Decrease Body Fat

    • Enhance Athletic Performance

    • Help With Depression.

    Although there has not yet been determined an optimal dose, the recommended dose of DHEA is estimated to be around 30-60 milligrams daily. Many people over the age of 40 claim to have better results than young people. Side effects are rare but can include:

    • Excess Facial Hair

    • Acne

    • Menstrual Irregularity.

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