
What are new zealand people called? new zealandish?

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What are new zealand people called? new zealandish?




  1. New Zealanders or as mentioned we're also known colloquially as "kiwis"

    some of the friendliest people in the world :-)

  2. new zealander!!!!

  3. i am another proud  new zealander,  {kiwi} girl from new zealand

  4. New Zealandish is very cute! lol. but we are called "Kiwis" or simply "New Zealanders" and i'm so proud to be a kiwi!!!!!!!!!!

  5. New Zealander or kiwi's

  6. Out spoken, lovely, pretty, good looking, intelligent, safe, frugal, happy, shy.   We are called all sorts of names, but New Zealandish, no, I've not heard that one.

    Normally, New Zealanders, NZers or Kiwis.

  7. New Zealanders or kiwi's

  8. They are known as New Zealanders and also Kiwis because when New Zealand's first settlers, the Maori, named the kiwi bird for the sound of its chirp: kiwi, kiwi, kiwi! This flightless bird, about the size of a domestic hen, has an extremely long beak and plumage more like hair than feathers.

    New Zealanders have adopted this nocturnal, flightless and endearing creature as their national emblem.

    Referring to New Zealanders as Kiwis probably dates back to the First World War, when New Zealand soldiers acquired this nickname.

  9. lol

    we are newzealanders

    we call ourselves ''KIWIS'' here after our national bird..

    but newzealander is not a nationality unless your maori..most people here decend from european settelers ya

    hope this


  11. We are New Zealanders, or Kiwis, or (to some Aussies: Easst Islanders!)

  12. We call ourselves Kiwis. That is unless you are from Auckland. They are a strange breed that no one can quite fathom . We call them Jafa's.

    Now wait for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They tend to really take of into orbit when we say such things about them.

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