
What are non-kosher foods? Serious replies only please

by Guest45308  |  earlier

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A definition would be appreciated, along with a list.




  1. Meat from unclean animals, originally there were only seven clean animals but the list has been expanded.  Meat that has been cooked with butter, milk or cheese.  Milk from certain annimals.  There are specific rules about how the animals must be slaughtered and how the blood must be removed.  And high standards for the quality of the meat, blemishes on organs and things can cause the carcass to be rejected.   Sea food that is not fish with scales.  Vegetables that have not been inspected for bugs because not all bugs ar kosher.  And wine that was made by non-Jews.

    And durring passover grain products that have been leaved by yeast or treated with enzymes like high fructose corn syrup.

    There is an ispection process supervised by Rabbis to certify foods as kosher.

  2. Any foods that don't say kosher on them aren't kosher foods. It's quite the process, they come from kosher animals, slaughtered correctly, have to be prepared by only kosher cooking utensils and machinery, by non-gentiles, and the food has to be blessed. I'd check the packaging, or do some reading. It's a very interesting procedure.  

  3. They are any foods not approved under Jewish dietary laws called Kasharuth, the rabbinical council sets the standard, product must meet all standard to be considered Kosher or Pareve.

  4. well non kosher foods will be an opposite of this

    Kosher foods are those that conform to the Jewish dietary laws. Reasons for food being considered non-kosher include the presence of ingredients derived from non-kosher animals or from kosher animals that were not properly slaughtered, a mixture of meat and milk, wine or grape juice (and their derivatives) produced by gentiles, the use of produce from Israel that has not been tithed properly, or even the use of cooking utensils and machinery which had previously been used for non-kosher food. For an in-depth discussion of this tradition,

    the above link has a list and a definition to why each is not kosher

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