
What are obama and mcains views on immigration?

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i have not followed ANYTHING so i have no clue, but i'd like to know. And no stupid opinions or comments, i just want an answer, thax




  1. Obama supports the worker program where immigrants can get a grant to work in the US for a certain amount of time and then apply for immigration. If their record is good they can stay. Obama also supports getting illegal immigrants already in this country green cards.

    McCain supports making it easier for people to get visa's and green cards.

  2. Obama is for creating a path to citizenship for these shadow dwellers.

    McCain is for claiming they are all felons and hiring them under the table for 4 dollars an hour.

  3. McCain never likes to talk about immigration because conservative don't like it. He almost supports amnesty, with a few punishments, like fines and they have to go back to Mexico before becoming a citizen.

    As for Obama, i have no idea.

    Neither candidate talks about this issues, I'm not exactly sure why.  

  4. Obama thinks immigrants are a big part of our country's success, while Mcain thinks they are simply taking up space

  5. For all practical purposes, the same.  This has been one of the sore points between McCain and conservatives.  Both want some form of amnesty.  

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