
What are office fees at horse shows?

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i go to shows about once or twice a month .. and on every check out thing where they have all the costs you need to pay for i see "office fee"... what is an office fee?




  1. At the Canadian Paint shows I attend I pay $10 per judge for office fees.  Most shows have between 2-6 judges, so it can add up quickly.

    What are office fees for?  They pay the person who works in the office for three days (the day before the show starts, and then for each day the show runs)  They also pay the paper, ink, computers and other incidentals that it takes to run a show.

    I hate all the extra costs, but most local Paint shows here lose money, even with all those fees!

  2. Fee for the office work done at a show.  All the work done at the show behind the desk.  Making sure all entries are correct and entered  in the right class, checking coggins, registration #, the judge has the right judging card for each class stuff like that.  It helps pay those works and make more of a profit.  

  3. I am guessing it goes towards office supply type stuff that people in the show office use.  Horse shows arent cheap tp put on

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