
What are orbs? I have some on my photos?

by  |  earlier

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I just had an urge to take some pics and they actually showed up. Now my camera won't work!




  1. i had some show up in pictures as well, the room was brightly lit at the time so they went unnoticed. they were around a child at my son's birthday party. only that child, and his grandfather had died a few months prior. i didn't know that until his mom said so when she seen the orbs. that is my only experience. creepy but cool.

  2. It is my understanding that it is the energy that ghost or other phenomenon put off.

  3. They are balls of energy change the batteries they may have drained them.

  4. well, usually these are presences of spirits. it is of course not known if the spirits are friendly or otherwise. at times, "ghostbusters" take photos of places that has strong presences of spirits. and the photos will have loads of orbs in them.

  5. I am a shutterbug, and have taken pics of orbs, and nothing has happened to my camera. In fact, I was just going through some old pics, and some of them have orbs.

    I wish I knew what orbs are and what they want.

  6. ok...........orbs-switching place by transporting yourself. might include bright light but most of the time it doesn't just kinda switch the place and reappear somewhere else.

  7. True Orbs are supposed to be spirits or some people believe angels. Most of the time however the orbs are dust particles or light reflections.

  8. Odd about your camera. As far as orbs are concerned, nobody knows what they are, which is why they are unexplained.

  9. Orbs and their behavior have become a subject of a lot of head scratching since the advent of video cameras, security cameras, and digital photography.  

    There's reason to believe some are involved in the crop circle phenomenon.

    If you want to learn about the general subjects that appear to be related without having to sort through a lot of anonymous answers by strangers, about whom you know nothing, including whether they know anything, there's a way to learn.

    The reading list below can act as a source for you. Most of the titles can be found in your local library. If they don't have them they can borrow them from another library.

    So you'd like to... Lose your certainties

    So you'd like to... Physicist (Quantum and Meta) and Physician - Heal Thyself

  10. Some people think that the orbs may be ghosts or spirits, but I think that for the most part, its the sun reflecting on dust particles.

    I think your camera might have died. Try Circut City for your answer, lol.

    Btw, here's a website about orbs. It leans toward the "spirit" perspective, though.

  11. Dust, moisture, or small particles close to the lens when the flash goes off.

    The claims of orbs being ghosts or spirits of some kind falls short of any kind of evidence.

    The fact that we know what orbs are should be enough proof that they are not ghosts. However, paranormal investigators would have nothing to do, if they could make claims of ghosts where ghosts did not exist. And so they continue to promote the idea that dust is spirits.

  12. "Orbs" are only present in times of bright light or when the flash is used.  They are photographic anomalies.  They have nothing to do with spirits.  Even if they weren't "of this world" what makes anyone think they are human spirits?  This is just the pseudo-scientific nonsense that many ghost hunters use to validate their hobby.  See also EVPs and EMFs if you want to hear about more nonsense.

  13. Orbs are optical phenomena captured by the camera lens, nothing more. Usually they are made by a reflection of the camera flash or another bright light source off dust particles in the air, water particles, or even small insects. The reflection creates a "lens flare" effect resulting in a round white transparent to nearly opaque circle. Dust or water on the lens itself can also create similar effects.

    Nowadays, many paranormal researchers are wisely steering clear of anything to do with "orbs" since there is no reason to believe they are anything but the above natural effects. Credibility is an issue already with paranormal research, and promoting "orbs" as ghosts certainly doesn't help.

    Cameras can malfunction for a number of reasons, batteries or being dropped being the main ones. Consult your user manual or take it to your local camera store for more help.

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